Mazu Currency Exchange Program reviews and experiences. Learn a bit of insider information about the currency exchange program, and get a better idea if it's something you are looking for.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Finally...Chris gets off his lazy behind for an update!

Yes, it's true...I'm lazy. Alright, not so at all. I've actually been swamped since releasing my first product Article Miner.

Basically, here's what's happened:

1) My investment grew like wildfire over the past 6 months.

2) I actually took out some of that money (a few thousand), and am now well into profit.

3) Steve Johnson (co-creator of the original Mazu Currency Exchange Program) has now branched off with a new course. Bottom line: better course, better extras and better support from a guy who actually knows what he's doing, and has been doing this longer than almost every other course creator out there. You can find it here: E-Currency Exchange

4) My War On Marketing site has a new screenshot of the new-look Currency Exchange Program...and my new totals ;)

Alright, off to do more work! As always, write if you need anything!



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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Currency Exchange Program Updates!

Real quick, as it's 1:30 am, and I need some sleep!

1) Mazu has raised their price, just as I said before. It went up $100, so now it's $399. Don't like the price hike? Me either...more on that later.

2) On the bright side, it's now downloadable, meaning no more waiting, no more shipping that's a big plus.

3) I had a hard drive crash, and have spent 2 weeks trying to regain the info of them (which was successful!). However, the program has changed drastically in that time, and I don't want to give out outdated info. In order to combat this, I am now re-rewriting the info again :(

If you want the course (and then some), at a better price, but don't mind waiting another week or two, drop me a quick line at and let me know. I can't really say why, however I need to see if there is interest or not before saying anything publically :)

Keep shooting emails at me, I'll eventually answer....very hard to recover from a hard drive crash that ate up most of my time (kinda hard to get a new one out on this island!).

Take care!



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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Currency Exchange Update

Just a quick one today folks!

The second set of manuals is a bit behind schedule due to 12 hour shifts at my normal job. If I haven't answered your email, I promise that I am reading them, just very short on time! Keep emailing me (everyday if you want) and I'll eventually have a chance to answer (emailing me often will ensure that your email is at the top of the stack).

Next, make absolutely sure you take a quick peak at the new screen shot I put up on the Currency Exchange Program Review... once you see it, you'll get a better understanding of how powerful this program really is.

Next, the currency exchange system is expanding, and that could mean a big time raise for those of us in before the tidal wave. Here's just a few of the things that are coming online in the near future:

- An inclusive means of booking travel arrangements from your account.

- An auction site, which can also be accessed directly from your account.

- A means of running almost an entire online business from the same account.

Basically, this is going to appeal to a much bigger market, and the currency exchange business will play a crucial role in moving money through the system.

Take care, and if you have any questions, write:


Christopher Schumacher

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Monday, April 18, 2005

Currency Exchange Updates 2

Currency Exchange

Program Updates

...the second coming!

Real quick ones today, as I still have tons of work to do:

- The first 3 manuals are pretty much finished. If you have bought, or will be buying the course via me, it's imperative that you send me an email right afterwards. This way I can get the manuals to you long before the course'll have a real head start.

- There are now 7 more manuals in work. Each manual will encompass a single topic, and will be designed to further educate you on that subject. It'll basically have an entire explanation, walkthrough...screen shots included :)

- I'll hopefully get the first video or two done tomorrow after finishing up the manuals. Not sure yet how I can deliver them without causing lengthy downloads, or other issues. More to come.

- I've removed the comment feature from the blog. I'm beginning to see too many people looking to cause trouble...feel free to do it elsewhere :) I knew it would happen eventually though. Feel free to email me if you'd care to discuss this.

- Deb, consoles are being phased back into play in small amounts in order to ensure support doesn't get overwhelmed. The trading side isn't doing much of anything at the moment anyways, so the investment side is where it's really at right now (almost all my funds are on that side now!).

- A comparison for those on the fence: Here's a site that is also selling training. This should give you a "price comparison":
Check out the prices....when I'm finished with all the manuals and videos, you'll have better training than they offer (come on, they have e-books....and the cost...well, take a look!).

That's all for today!



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Saturday, April 09, 2005

Currency Exchange Program Updates!

Currency Exchange Program Updates:

1) The new version of the currency exchange program is now approximately 3 weeks away. This should be quite the major improvement.

- The price will be going up. While nothing is firm yet, I've heard Matt Gagnon mention $399 instead of $499. In my opinion, $499 would have been too much for the currency exchange program. You'd still easily be in profit in the long run, but the initial outlay would not be possible for most people.

- I'm going to push for a payment plan for the new currency exchange program. If you have suggestions, I welcome any opinions.

- The new course should be available as a fully digital download if the buyer chooses. This will remove the tremendous impatience we all have with waiting for the mail! While I have never, nor will I "push" the program, anyone who chooses to purchase from me will get these. The videos will be exclusive to us, and only one other person in the Mazu group has as much experience with the currency exchange program as I do....that should tell you the quality (yes, I have more experience than even Matt himself!).

- If you purchase the current course in the next 3 weeks (before the new one takes over), you should have the chance to get both versions for the same price of the new one! Matt has mentioned that he will offer the new currency exchange program course to current customers and only charge the difference in price ($100 difference if plans remain).

2) I'm in the process of working on a comprehensive walkthrough of my own as an addition to the currency exchange program that Mazu is offering. Basically, it will be a simple step-by step of the set up process, and will also include video walkthroughs as well. Seeing it done will help tremendously!

- I'm also working on a frequently asked questions document that should help better answer alot of the popular questions that new people have. The goal is to make it easier for everyone to get answers without the need of support. I'd prefer everyone not have to ask questions, and use the membership site strictly for advanced tactics on increasing your incomes!

3) The knockoff programs continue to appear in droves. Realize that most, if not all, of these people learned the program from Matt's currency exchange program.

- They may seem like a good deal, but you're going to be getting alot of second hand information. In other words: Mazu's course will allow you to interact with over 3,000 others that are learning, have learned or are there to help out. These other courses just can't offer the same promises.

- Matt has plans to do some things that NO other course seller can offer. I'm really not permitted to talk about it, but I can say that IF he actually does it, it will be a tremendously good thing for all Mazu purchasers (but I'm like most other people...I'll believe it when I see it).

4) The currency exchange program is only complicated at the beginning. Once you know what and how to do things, it's really as simple as pushing a few buttons. That said, if you're worried about not understanding...don't be. It's intimidating, but it's also as simple as posting a question in the member's site, shooting me an email or even giving me a call, and you'll have an answer (or at least someone searching for the answer).

Take care and we'll see you on the other side!



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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Currency Exchange Program: Who's Trying to Rip You Off???

That's the question that should be on everyone's mind right now. Someone out there is willing to do whatever it takes to get their hands on your hard-earned money.

So who is it?

Let's do a quick case study:

The $149 knock off...what's the deal?

Well, I've talked to the guy offering this particular version of the currency exchange program. In fact, he was one of the first people to get in on the Mazu version. Not a bad guy at all. But let's get down to the nuts and bolts.

1) He has "borrowed" sales copy that I wrote for other people selling the Mazu course (it's my side job) and now uses it to push his own version. I wrote my sales copy months ago, his site has been up for a few weeks. If you know which site I'm talking about, you can compare the last bit (with the red bullets) to the site I wrote at (yep, same red bullets as I used).

2) He makes it a point to put down the course that HE HIMSELF learned from. I can understand trying to compare competition...but hey, he's doing so well, not because he knew the information, but because Matt Gagnon gave it to him.

3) He's offering phone support to everyone who buys from him. Lofty goals if you sell 100 or more courses per month. Can you imagine a single person trying to answer the phone calls of hundreds of people?

Matt Gagnon actually has a staff specifically for this. There are several people answering calls...and it's alot for their group...could one person do it themself? Not to mention the web chats, teleconferences, member's site...

Offer number 2: the $49.95 version at

1) Again, either someone who learned from Matt's course, or at least has access to the membership site. How do I know?

How about the fact that the testimonials on the site aren't for that product, but from the Mazu Currency Exchange Program member's site.

In fact, that first one on the page, written by "Corie M." is actually written by ME in the membership site! No asking for my permission to use it with their course, heck, I didn't even know it existed until someone asked me about the testimonial.

So they used a fake name, on a "borrowed" testimonial...and these are the people who you are supposed to trust to teach you the proper way to utilize this course???

Matt Gagnon may have some downfalls, and may charge more money...but the guy has better resources, higher quality, more training and isn't trying to trick you out of your cash. I'm not a fan of his other works (they aren't bad, but there are better products for similar cost), but he definately beats the heck out of those others.

Stay tuned, as I have a big announcement on the new improved, extremely unique, updated version that I talked about before. You don't wanna miss this one!



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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Currency Exchange Program Common Questions

Currency Exchange Program

Common Questions, Easy Answers!

- Given the recent popularity of the currency exchange program from Mazu, will the market become saturated, and therefore less profitable?

This was one of my original questions when I joined as well! So far, this has not been the case. There are various stops in place to prevent too many people exchanging, and thus lowering profits for all. In fact, my experience so far has been more profitable, as funds seem to roll through the system much faster.

This could all change, and I'll update this site if the mazu currency exchange program does as well.

- You mentioned that Mazu is in the process of updating and enhancing the course...should I wait, and purchase that one, or should I buy the course as it is right now?

I've been advising to purchase the current version of the currency exchange program for the following reasons:

1) The new version will be more expensive. Due to popularity, Mazu feels it would be best to slow down the number of course purchases, and increasing the price is the only way to do so. You'll still be profitable, either way though.

2) The membership site will make up for any lack of information provided in the course. With over 2,000 members at this time, there's an answer for nearly every question you could have.

3) The money you'll save can be used as your start up for currency exchanging. An extra $200 can be a major boost to your business, and will likely snowball into much better returns!

- I've seen similar courses for the currency exchange program offered, everything ranging from a $50 e-book, to a $150 "copy" of the mazu program...why shouldn't I just purchase one of these?

I won't sell you on the mazu currency exchange program, that's up to Matt Gagnon. I'm here to be informative, and help people make the right decision for their situation.

The other products claim to have better support, better information...etc. I've seen em all, and they won't compare to Mazu's new course. They certainly don't have equivalent support. The phone support is a bit rough from Mazu, as they have 4 people trying to answer 1,000 calls...but the membership site support is bar-none better than the rest. I help with answering questions in there, and I know many others that do the same. Mazu has a community designed to help out one another, not to train you once and send you on your merry way.

But the real "icing on the cake" is that those other products are only because of the Mazu Currency Exchange Program! Several of those people were resellers for Matt, making 100 sales a month, and just got greedy and wanted to make even understand that you are associating yourself with people who lack ethics, and really only care about taking your money.

And how do they convince you to buy? NOT based on the merits of their product, but by trying to downplay the Mazu currency exchange you really think they are looking out for your best interests?

- So, Chris, being someone so ciritical of most internet programs and products, how can you endorse Matt Gagnon so quickly and freely?

I do NOT endorse Matt Gagnon...heck, I barely know the guy. We talked once on the phone...and that's about it. But the Mazu Currency Exchange Program is the real deal. I endorse the PRODUCT, not the maker. I make money with it, I endorse it, I recommend it...nothing more. If you choose to buy it, great, I'm more than happy to help you out. If not, that's great too. Everyone has to make their own decisions....I'm just trying to help you make it with more information than anyone else is willing to give you.

Notice all those other resellers...realize how they just want to make a sale? Adding all this extra hype and pitch to their sites to convince you to buy from them.

If you buy from me, great. I can use the money, as my wife will be jobless in less than two months.

If you simply read my site, and buy from them, that's ok by me too. Just remember: I'm the only one who's talking to you straight. I'm willing to do it regardless of whether you buy from me or not...what are they willing to do....what happens after they have your money?

Need my phone number? Just email me and ask :) My personal email address is on this blog, and my business email address is on my website at No hiding going on here ;)

If this blog is helping, PLEASE post a quick comment and let me know! I can never tell when something is useful, as I'm not the one doing the research on the Mazu Currency Exchange Program.

Got more questions? Send em all to and I'll get em answered (and can add em to the list!).


Christopher M. Schumacher

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